Well, just like that we already have an updated conversion for stores converting from Best Consignment Shop Software (BCSS) to Peeps. 🙂
This update (v1.09) brings with it two new options:
- Items After
- Convert Items
The Items After feature allows store owners to tell Peeps “only convert Available inventory that was entered after this date.” Something we hear from store owners converting from Best Consignment Shop Software (BCSS) to Peeps, is that they have Available inventory in there from years and years ago. So we quickly added this feature to allow store owners to bring over a leaner inventory list.
The Convert Items feature lets store owners choose whether or not they want to convert their inventory at all. Based on the experiences we’ve had with store owners that were running Best Consignment Shop Software, they felt their inventory was so “messed up” that they couldn’t trust what BCSS thought was Available.
We still recommend converting your inventory from Best Consignment Shop Software to Peeps, since this lets you scan your Available inventory into Peeps so you don’t have to re-tag your store.
Call Peeps today @ (888) 374-5422 to discuss the conversion process for your store!