Our booth is booked for Sourcemart at this year’s NARTS Conference 2013 in San Diego! We’re looking forward to seeing clients we’ve known for years, as well as meeting new clients. Whether you’re a new store owner, a store owner in need of a hardware upgrade, or a store owner looking for a professional website, The Computer Peeps are looking forward to showing you the level of service we provide.
Be sure to stop by and see us at our booth! The focus this year is to raise awareness @ PCI DSS Compliance. We’ll be offering some great deals at our booth, so before you buy any consignment hardware to go with your consignment software, stop by and see us. You’ll save a lot of money and headaches. 🙂 Just ask around!
We’re also going to be donating a great item for this year’s NARTS Auction! In previous years, we’ve donated consignment hardware and consignment software support services, as well as consultation. What will it be this year?!?! Keep an eye on the NARTS Auction Preview page to find out!