Peeps’ Software Known Issues

Last updated 7/25/2024

Below is a list of all known issues in Peeps’ Software, as well as the current status + workaround, if applicable.

Current Release: v2.22

  • Bug ID 3873 – Working

    • Peeps2Go in-store inventory search on iPads/Android is slow to load on initial launch.
    • Workaround – n/a
  • Bug ID 3372 – Open

    • Search Customers/Select Shopper — Screen can freeze after typing a few characters, then waiting (*Only under certain conditions)
    • Workaround – n/a
  • Bug ID 2514 – Working

    • Change Due created on taxable orders from Shopify.
    • Workaround – n/a

Previous Release: v2.21


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