Peeps' Consignor Login
Easy consignor login service with official apps for iOS and Android!

Peeps’ Consignor Login for Peeps’ Software! FREE for stores on Peeps’ Support!!!
Click/tap here to see Peeps’ Consignor Login in action!
- Automatic account creation!
- Automatic account history, sold items, and balance upload!
- Official app for iOS!
- Official app for Android!
- Daily email notification of consignor upload!
- Access from any computer or device on our official Consignor Login website!
- Automatically synchronizes nightly — no need to “manually” upload, nor wait for the upload to complete before you head home!
Technical Details
- Peeps’ Account Info. managed under Settings > Store > Online.
- Requires Peeps’ Software v2.16 or above.