Peeps' Overnight Warranty - Computer Peeps

Peeps’ Overnight Warranty

Our custom-built Peeps’ Point of Sale and Peeps’ Consignment DB Server PCs, include a standard 1 Year Overnight Replacement Warranty.  The Computer Peeps have been supporting and maintaining systems for consignment and resale stores for over 5 years.  We are responsible for hundreds of computer systems and even with manufacturer warranties, we found there were still gaps.

Key benefits of a Peeps’ Overnight Replacement Warranty:



  • Never worry about finding a local tech to troubleshoot or repair your computer.
  • Never worry about how your important files and programs will be restored.
  • Never worry about if you’ll be back up and running when you open tomorrow morning.



When a consignment store’s point of sale, inventory intake station, or database server go down, it can have a huge impact on their bottom-line.

With The Computer Peeps’ Overnight Replacement Warranty, we will have a completely pre-configured replacement sent out to you overnight.  All you have to do is disconnect the old one, connect the new one, and ship the old system back with the included return label.

You’ll never be down longer than 24 hours and you won’t have to worry about who’s going to restore your computer, your files, your data, and all of your important printer and application settings.

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