We’re proud to announce Peeps’ Database Compressor for Liberty. Liberty4 Consignment will start to run slower and slower over the years. Its database is managed by Microsoft SQL Server, which is a good thing. Just like books have indexes, so do databases. If you have a large amount of data and have been running Liberty for multiple years, you’re likely ready to re-index your database.
Since Liberty doesn’t have this built-in, nor does it let users know this maintenance should be performed, you’re left to discover this on your own — finding out when things get slower and slower.
Resaleworld charges $100-$150 to compress your database. The ability to re-index your database is built-in to Microsoft SQL Server:
So you could do this yourself, as could any tech.
It took Dean @ Computer Peeps about 2 hours to put this simple database maintenance routine, into a free program that Liberty4 Consignment users can run by themselves.
We feel this functionality should be built-in to Liberty, should be free, and should happen automatically, but Resaleworld feels differently. If Dean can do this by himself in a matter of hours, then a company with a ‘team of developers’ and a ‘support team’ should be able to do so as well.
If you’d like Dean @ Computer Peeps to do this for you, there is no charge for this service. It takes anywhere between 5-20 minutes to run this database maintenance, depending on the size of your database and the speed of your computer.