Converting from BCSS

Converting from BCSS (a.k.a. Best Consignment Shop Software) to Peeps’ Software.  BCSS (not to be confused with BCS), has historically been, well, not the best consignment software in our experience.

Peeps’ BCSS Data Conversion

Peeps’ BCSS Data Conversion converts your accounts and available inventory from Best Consignment Shop Software over to Peeps’ Software:

Peeps' Best Consignment Shop Software Converter

Why Do Stores Convert from BCSS?

The most-common reason people convert from Best Consignment Shop Software is, Steve.  Anyone who’s worked with Steve, knows what I’m talking about.  The second most-common reason, is the Best Consignment Shop Software itself.  From a variety of issues, including data loss, data corruption, and more, stores typically end up being frustrated and have to convert to something — anything — else, to achieve even some level of stability.  This has been the case for two decades — the program could’ve been re-written from the ground up 20 times by now and converted to a modern relational database management system, not an outdated database system (Visual Fox Pro) from the 90s.

What Data Do You Convert from BCSS to Peeps’ Software?

This isn’t our first rodeo. We are extremely well-versed in both the technical aspects of handling/converting data, as well the logistics of how your store goes from one system to another. We convert your core data, including:

  • Consignor Accounts — Name, Address, Phone #, Email, etc.
  • Available Inventory — The Item #, Category, Description, Price, Split, etc.

You can scan your existing BCSS tags in to Peeps’ Software too, so no re-tagging!

How Does the Conversion Process Work?

First and foremost, converting from any consignment or resale software is a serious decision, not to be taken lightly. We have converted thousands of stores over the years, to/from every consignment software system on the market. We’ve seen the issues stores run into, trying to convert on Sunday and open on Monday. We’ve learned a LOT from our experience and we are the only consignment software provider on the market that has direct experience working with every single consignment software program on the market.

Consignment software vendors are eager to sell you their software, but they’re no so eager to guide you through every portion of the process and ensure you are 100% ready to convert, come time to do so. The stores that have tried this and have encountered issues, call The Computer Peeps to get things back on track. So it’s a process we take very seriously and we know every portion of the process, to help ensure you and your employees experience a smooth transition.

  • First, we install Peeps’ Software on at least one computer at your store, so you can have it at your fingertips to start kickin’ the tires.
  • Next, after at least one to two weeks of working with Peeps’ Consignment Software, we install Peeps on your other stations and make sure employees start seriously entering accounts, items, ringing-up sales, etc. This is the most important part — i.e. everyone getting true, one-on-one time with the software, going through each of the core processes they handle on a daily basis.
  • Last, we do at least one test conversion, so you can see your Best Consignment Shop Software data in Peeps’ Software and practice before the big day!

Do You Provide Support and Training?

Yes. We know Best Consignment Shop Software really well. We know every portion of, “This is how you did it in BCSS, this is how you do it in Peeps!” We’ve been helping storeowners with the program for 10+ years and we know how to make the transition as seamless as possible for you.

You’ll receive 60 days of Peeps’ Software Support and you’ll have a full 60 day trial, so you can truly, truly run Peeps’ Software in your store, before purchasing. We’re not interested in simply selling our software — we’re interested in solving your store’s issues and making the tasks you do day in and day out, easier.

Do You Have A Consignor Login System So Consignors Can Check Their Accounts?

Yes we do! Peeps’ Consignor Login service is included at no additional charge, for stores on Peeps’ Support. We also include a full 30 day trial of this service when you convert to Peeps!

Call us today @ (888) 374-5422 today to schedule a demo of Peeps’ Software and see why stores choose Peeps Software!

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