This post is intended to help consignment and resale store owners see exactly what Steve, owner of Best Consignment Shop Software (a.k.a. BCSS), is all about. If you’re interested in consignment software reviews, be careful out there. BCSS has planted tons of keywords for ‘best consignment software’, so beware of fake consignment software review websites from Best Consignment Shop Software.
The Computer Peeps have legitimate consignment software reviews available for consignment store owners.
Recently, CCE posted a new download of their latest program – Consignment Ease v8 – on CNET is a trusted site and a portal to software downloads. Companies interested in making their software available to search engine queries, utilize CNET as a trusted host.
CNET is also a public site, so anyone can join and anyone can post comments. Not even 24 hours after Consignment Ease was published to CNET, Steve (disguised as sbevis123) posted the following “review”…

Let’s dissect some of Steve’s comments and really get to the bottom of it. From the looks of it, Steve is really concerned about “marketing practices” and “scruples.”
At the bottom of BCSS’ site, they claim to own the copyright for ‘best consignment software’…

There’s just one problem – CCE, developers of the original Best Consignment Software (now known as Consignment Ease because they CARE enough about their clients, current and future, that they don’t want ANY confusion with BCSS software) – are the owners of that copyright.
Fortunately, the Internet is here! All it takes is a quick search of the United States Copyright Office to see that CCE owns the copyright…

Sooooooo, why do you have that posted at the bottom of your site, Steve? We’ll see if Steve posts a comment back here on our blog. He claims that Kate (author of Too Good to be Threw: The Complete Operations Manual for Resale & Consignment Shops) over @ won’t let him defend himself. Well, Steve, now’s your chance! I won’t delete your posts! I’m not going to let you post any links to your site or anything like that – you don’t need any help with your search engine marketing.
Steve’s software, BCSS, seems to be of the quality that he has to rely on sales tactics and Internet marketing to sell his product. Don’t forget, even bad publicity is good publicity…but we’re going to change that for you, Steve, yes we are.
Steve even tried this with Ron @ RJFSoft (developer of Consignment Till)…

At least Ron knows how to write code and develop software, Steve. What can you do? Marketing? I think there’s some old joke about lawyers, sales people and the like.
So I’ll continue to update this blog post with all-things-BCSS. It is The Computer Peeps’ obligation to put this to an end once and for all. We’ve had too many clients call us after losing data from BCSS. We’ve had too many clients call us because they spent months trying to get a hold of BCSS via phone.
If you have had an experience with Steve or BCSS, please feel free to leave your comments!
Below is an ongoing list of issues with BCSS and their marketing tactics…
One of my favorite things about Steve and BCSS is how he steals keywords from other vendors – e.g. “best” and “simplify.” Here’s what BCSS shows on their new site…

Here’s what Resaleworld has at the top of their site…

Here’s a list of “fees and costs” from other software vendors, that BCSS have outlined in their site…

My favorite part of BCSS’ comparison is that BCSS doesn’t even offer credit card processing. Let’s look at some of Steve’s figures though…
- He shows Resaleworld charges $1,200 for Data Repair. Really? Where’d you pull that dollar amount from, Steve? I went to Resaleworld’s online store and I only see a $150 fee for Data Services…
Resaleworld’s Data Services The only “hidden fee” is their clearly outlined $150 vs. $200 price (if you are or are not on a Support Plan).
- Steve shows $900 for Resaleworld’s printer support. Where the heck did you pull that number from Steve? Resaleworld supports their hardware for the first 30 days. After 30 days, ALL software vendors do not support their hardware. This is why people call The Computer Peeps so they can get assistance. You don’t even support printers, Steve – you don’t even talk to your customers or return their phone calls, so how they heck can you say your printer support is “included”?
- It shows RSW charges $750 for Windows or Networking support. Are you joking, Steve? Where on RSW’s site does it show a consignment store has to pay $750 to Resaleworld? There are no mandatory fees, nor any hidden fees. So what you’re saying, Steve, is that YOU support Windows and you’ll manage your clients’ networks for free? Awesome! I guess I’ll have to refer The Computer Peeps’ clients to you since you’ll do it all for free!
- You show “Online Account Access” isn’t available from RSW. Actually, they offer a consignor login. Soooo, how current are your figures? Resaleworld has offered online access for at least 3 years. Maybe your pricing/feature list is just really old, in addition to being completely false?
- Phone Training costs $1,000 from RSW? That’s odd, I didn’t know that. So you’re saying a Liberty user has to pay for phone training? I can’t seem to find anything that says a Liberty user has to pay this fee. You seem to offer full-time phone training for free though, right? Awesome! Let me know which number your clients should call, because they call The Computer Peeps letting us know they can’t get in touch with you at all. I’m sure it’s an oversight, so I’ll just sit here and hold my breath until you publish the phone number BCSS users can call to get free phone support for 10 years.
- ConsignPro has $1,000 in “Hardware Markups”? Can you break this down for us please? I’m just not seeing $1,000 in mark-ups on Brian’s site.
BCSS’ QuickBooks integration pricing comparison vs. Resaleworld…

Steve, can you provide an outline of exactly what your QB integration supports? Resaleworld offers a QuickBooks export for free – it’s included in their software. RSW’s free QuickBooks export will export consignor payouts, again, for free. The $200 QuickBooks Link that RSW offers links directly to your QuickBooks Company File.
I am so glad to see this posted publicly. I have been receiving emails from Steve for the past three years threatening to sue me for saying anything negative about his company and BCSS on any public forum. In reality all I have ever done is point out that BCSS and CCE are NOT THE SAME COMPANY! This statement alone has led to multiple emails accusing me of lying, defamation and more. Steve is a low-life.
Thank you for taking the time to respond! For Steve to have the nerve to say he’s going to sue people, when he himself is not only doing something illegal (copyright infringement), but also posting false information about a company (I believe they call that libel) on a public site, he REALLY has some nerve.
It is my pleasure to post information about how many of his clients have called us with software that has crashed, ruined their database, or that BCSS simply will not call them back.
For some reason, Steve has been able to get away with this for years. No more. Someone has to take a stand and I’m proud to do so!
Thanks again for taking the time to post this!
Thank you so much for sharing this info. I am about to venture into the consignment business and have been checking Computer Peeps out. It helps to know all this information – sometimes we are naive enough to believe what we read…. Thanks again!
Soon to be : Boutique de Jolie…. 😀
They say one bad apple spoils the bunch. Steve is that apple. I thank you for letting the world know about Steve and his shady marketing practices and shoddy software. It’s too bad he tripped into this industry and polluted such a nice community, he really stinks up the place. I will continue to join you in letting the world know what this opportunist (who sells hemorrhoid medicine, long distance service and BBQ cookbooks) is up to so they don’t waste their time and money on BCSS software.
Brian Wilson
ConsignPro Creator
I truly cannot thank you enough for compiling such a comprehensive list of exactly what BCSS promises and what they actually deliver. I receive quiet a few calls from Steve’s customers, because they aren’t able to reach anyone at BCSS to help them. BCSS truly demonstrates the old adage that you get what you pay for as they receive absolutely no service. I do enjoy converting them over to our company, but the individuals have usually endured months of unreturned phone calls and emails that disappear into an apparent blackhole of service. It’s not right to treat people that way – especially when they are just trying to run a business and succeed like everyone else.
CCE Technical Support, home of Consignment Ease and Consignment Success
I took the bait, hook, line, and sinker. What a sham company!! We bought the “virtual” edition for $800. Problems…was upgraded to the “Diamond” version (and BTW, I cannot discern any but subtle changes)…still doesnt work correctly.
The so called technical support from BCSS is non existent. I was referred to a third party (a consignor who has worked with Steve for years…???) and who charges $60 an hour to “help” me with BCSS issues. A pure joke.
I echo the litanyof unreturned phone calls and emails. We have now purchased software from another VERY REPUTABLE company; removed the BCSS programs, and are pursuing legal action for reimbursement and lost sales (non performing software).
The word needs to be put out as wide as possible: DO NOT BUY THIS PROGRAM!!!
Wow, just, wow. See, it’s not that there can’t be multiple software companies. It’s not a matter of different vendors trying to eek out their share of the market. This is a matter of BCSS being a blatant rip-off of CCE. There’s a fantastic service out there called the “Internet Wayback Machine.” I was investigating a site from years back and decided to check out BCSS’ site, just for giggles. Guess what I found? The installer for BCSS v1.0. Right there on the very first screen of their installer, it shows Copyright CCE 2000.
There’s plenty of room on the market for competition and I welcome BCSS to participate in our Blog; to defend themselves. All The Computer Peeps are doing are sharing information that was published BY BCSS and is available to the public, 100%. It’s just that BCSS floods the search engines and most store owners that are starting out, are bombarded with the information that comes back. We’re doing our little portion to eek out our spot in his search results, so we can bring this information into the light!
Thanks for taking the time to post, John! Let us know if you have any questions about your existing software or spread that word that The Computer Peeps offer a free 30 minute consultation!
John may I ask you to contact me Id like to get in touch w/your atty. Id want to ask if he would represent me in the same case to file against them.
I am thinking we are in different states. I paid way over what you did though in costs. 🙁
Looking for a list of other ripped off customers, look no further:
The list grows almost daily!
I am another victim of BCSS. First buying the $400 package that required upgrading even before putting the system into the store. I just sent the follow email to Steve and anticipate either no reply or a very lame list of excuses:
I’m not sure I can fully explain how very disappointed I am in your software. The more I try to use it the worse it gets. I am at the point of totally hating the thought of starting every morning. Your technical support is very very slow largely due to time wasted sending boiler plate replies to questions. However, if lucky enough to get beyond pat answers I find myself going around in circles until another shortcoming of your programming is revealed.
I have wasted many hours trying to make your obviously inadequate program manage the inventory and finances of my consignment store. Your program is incapable of performing the basic accounting functions necessary to run a small business. The uploading to Quick Books results in a confusing assortment of misinformation and duplicate data. My only solution is to use you system to do only the basics and then manually transfer that data to Quick Books at the close of every day.
This is certainly not what I thought I had purchased. You claimed to be able to save me money but now I will have to purchase that more expensive software that really works.
Hi Rusty,
Thank you so much for posting your experience! We went for quite sometime without saying anything about BCSS – C’est la vie, so to speak. The more I saw clients not being able to get through to them, especially after just purchasing, is when I had to say something.
All Steve does is floods the search engines – an SEO fire hose. That’s all he’s got. Why not write better software? Why focus so much on content farms and posting reckless comments on other sites? The Computer Peeps are stepping right on his SEO. Problemo, Steve? 😉
I hope more and more store owners see your post, Rusty. It’s not fair that new store owners hop on Google and only find BCSS results. Store owners should have ALL of the information first, before making such an important decision. Only when armed with all of the information from each consignment software vendor, can you make an informed decision/purchase. We’re doing everything we can to provide help for consignment software owners, existing and prospective. There are enough decent programs and legitimate vendors on the market, that store owners don’t have to waste their time with BCSS.
If anyone needs help choosing the best consignment software out there for them, The Computer Peeps provide a FREE 30-minute consultation. Don’t waste your time wading through all of the ‘best consignment shop software’ search results out there. The Computer Peeps will give it to you straight.
What are you doing for consignment software no, Rusty? Just give us a buzz or email us and we’ll be more than happy to try and get you pointed in the right direction!
I just posted additional details on the best consignment shop software vs. cce copyright issue @
We are a small consignment shop and we too were scammed by BCSS and “Steve.”
One of the reasons we chose BCSS was the free tech support. This is false advertising. We have had nothing but trouble with the software — minor bugs such as buttons not working right, tables overlapping data when they print (and no ability to adjust table dimensions on our end!), data not transferring to Quickbooks as its supposed to so we are required to manually enter the data (one of the reasons we bought BCSS and we can’t even use it!). The list goes on.
Things have gotten worse. Now BCSS forces us to update every few weeks. With each update, a slew of bugs happen. This last round: The left column of the labels no longer printed correctly because there was a bug in the tables, the payment buttons weren’t working properly, sales reports were pulling up illogical information (combining dates and whatnot), consigner accounts were dissappearing. It was incredible how bad it was!
We contacted support and got their form letter that we get every time: You need to update your software. No we don’t! That’s what caused the problem! They finally agree to do a remote control of our computer and fix all the bugs and charge us $30 to do so. They only fix 2 of the 4 bugs because that’s all they have time for, and don’t know how to fix the other bugs. They will get back to us when they figure that out and charge us another $30 to do another remote control.
We have to do this every single time THEY create an update to their system. THAT IS NOT FREE TECH SUPPORT!
I once got Steve on the phone and tried to explain to him nicely how poor a product it was. He yelled at me! His customer!!!!! Steve is not to be trusted, and his product sucks!!!
Thank you so much for replying back to this post! We’re doing our best to shed light on the facts about BCSS. It really means a lot that you would take the time to share your experience!
I’ve heard the same @BCSS updates from other clients and it seems as though very simple outstanding issues have yet to be addressed. I’m not sure I’ve seen actual updates come out, at least not in the sense that fix the issues, just as you’ve outlined. From update to update old issues still persist and I see users exporting to .CSV file as a means to backup their database – not good.
Your database can be converted to another consignment program though. I will email you directly with information and we provide a free 30-minute consultation to help you find the right fit for your store’s needs.
I paid over $800 for the “Diamond Edition”, what a joke. Good luck if you can reach anyone on the phone. The following is an email they actually sent out I would assume to all of their customers: Good luck trying to reach anyone via email or phone. The system is not user friendly and I would recommend looking to other vendors before considering this system. I have switched and consider the money I lost a lesson learned. BUYER BEWARE!!
the Send-Data Button (upper right corner in BCSS) to upload your data files to our server. (If the upload fails, contact your ISP to report it. Failed uploads are not caused by the program.)
BCSS support does not include ‘extra work’ like repairing database files, reissuing unlock codes, assisting with transferring the program to another computer, teaching employees and troubleshooting user errors.
BCSS support also does not provide telephone and remote PC assistance, however, arrangements have been made with 3rd-party services for these forms of help. They are:
Joy Archer of enJoy Consigning Services (972-898-7921 EST, enjoybundles at gmail dot com) who provides personalized customer support for consignment shop owners and employees. She knows all about computers, Windows, printers, scanners, BCSS, QuickBooks – even consignment accounting and procedures. Joy owns and operates a successful consignment business herself (enJoy Encores in Binghamton, NY) and she is completely familiar with our software and consignment accounting. If you need help with settlements, discounting, store credits or anything related to consignment, she can help. Joy is available by phone from 8-5 (EST) and at other times by appointment. She can log into your computer when needed to demonstrate procedures, train employees and fix problems. Today however her area is recovering from flood conditions.
CMX Solutions headed by David Squires (800-448-1436 EST, david at cmx UPDATING BCSS
Hopefully your program is functioning error free. If it is not, updating should resolve any issue.
Here’s how to update and also view the most recent fixes and improvements:
www dot bestconsignmentshopsoftware dot com slash updates.htm
You can also view the most recent updates on Twitter at www twitter dot com slash #! slash bcss.
BCSS supports your program for free via email and documentation. Support includes bug BCSS supports your program for free via email and documentation. Support includes bug fixes and new features. Whenever you need something, to avoid phone charges, just send an email to BCSS at mm dot st.
BCSS Support also includes free online data storage. (Press tsolutions dot biz). CMX is a group of IT techs in Upper Michigan who can assist remotely with computers, Windows, printers, scanners, BCSS and networking. Associates include Bo Heinemeyer and Tom Ressler.
Free support is also available from:
POS-X (360-738-8433 or live chat at
Epson (562-276-1314 or
TSC: (909-525-9779, extension 101, or service at tscprinters dot com)
Wow, they actually send that out to customers? To be completely honest, that is a joke. The email is essentially a bunch of, “we told you we don’t support ANYTHING.” It’s one thing for a software vendor to limit their support to just their product – that’s common practice in the software industry. BCSS is trying to write themselves a get out of jail free card here, pointing their customers to this “I told you so” email – disgusting.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your personal experience with BCSS, Unhappy Consignment Owner. I’m glad you’ve moved on to a different, more reliable consignment program. Don’t get me wrong, I can find issues in each of the consignment programs – none of them are perfect (not yet, at least). The issues that BCSS users report to us over and over again though, really set the issues apart from true support issues – they are actually just program bugs.
Let me go through and point out some of the issues I see in that email:
– For the “data uploads” portion of BCSS, the email says, “If the upload fails, contact your ISP to report it. Failed uploads are not caused by the program.” Really? Are you 100% certain about that, Steve? I’m guessing you’re running 4 clustered servers in a quarter rack somewhere, with redundant pipes and load balancing. You wouldn’t just be running this on a shared host or a tiny VPS, would you, Steve? Your IP address shows you’re just running a VPS over @ Pair networks. Here’s the public Whois info on your server You might be able to blow smoke at your clients, but you can’t fool me, Steve. Feel free to reply to this, Steve, if you think I’m wrong or my statements are inaccurate. It just seems REALLY cocky of you to put such concrete text in an email, setting yourself up to say, “yep, see, we told you – the issue will NEVER be our software.” How the hell can you guarantee, without ever seeing the issue, that the issue is NOT the software?
– “BCSS support does not include ‘extra work’ like repairing database files, reissuing unlock codes…” – I don’t expect a software company to fix database crashes that are caused by the user’s hardware or lack of precautionary measures – e.g. a UPS/Battery Backup, stable hard drives, stable system, the right antivirus software, etc. The only reason this is worth mentioning is, it’s now been nearly two years since the Peeps have been in business and in that time, we’ve had umpteen clients call us with the SAME database issues – all caused by the program. I tried contacting Steve directly to help work this out for the client(s). BCSS and I didn’t communicate via email for very long, because we simply won’t fall for Steve’s tricks and we won’t do his dirty work for him. Not offering unlock codes though, seriously? So what you’re saying is, if someone’s computer crashes and they have to reinstall their software, then it’s not covered? So really, you’re LYING on your website when you say you ‘own’ the software – that’s a load of horseS, Steve. Quit lying. Bad man, bad man! Tisk tisk.
– “Joy Archer of enJoy Consigning Services” – Ok, so this one really makes no sense. Steve, you don’t support your software, period. You’ve hired Jo Archer to do this for you? Is that because The Computer Peeps wouldn’t accept your offer of doing BCSS support for free? I’ll let that one sink in for a second. Let’s just go over this again – 1) BCSS doesn’t really offer support and 2) what support IS available, isn’t provided by BCSS. Steve, how are you still in business?
– “Hopefully your program is functioning error free. If it is not, updating should resolve any issue.” – Why he hell would an update be the fix for errors? What about database crashes caused by your program? Want me to document those and publish them all online? Sounds like I need to spend some time doing that. This is just another way for you to CYOA. You don’t just install updates to fix errors, but this line in your email sure does set things up quite nicely for you, Steve. And how does one get updates? Are those free? Oh, wait…they’re not. :/
– “BCSS supports your program for free via email and documentation.” – Via documentation? That is not support. Documentation SHOULD be provided, period, but do NOT call that support. That’s just another way of playing on words – a marketing tactic.
– “Free support is also available from: TSC: (909-525-9779, extension 101, or service at tscprinters dot com)” – That is a lie and I’m reporting you to TSC right now. I worked with TSC’s Lead Developer, as well as their Product Manager, for well over 4 years. TSC does NOT provide support for their printers, not unless their printer is BROKEN or not performing as designed. They will NOT help you with your software, printer drivers or anything to do with getting your printer working with your consignment software, period. I’ll let TSC know you’re spreading this false information.
This really is just reckless, Steve.
Update to my previous post. I attempted to access the BCSS software to obtain my accounting information. Windows pops up a message “An unidentified program wants to access your computer” and the program iss BCSS.exe. Naturally, I clicked I do not want to run this program. Problem: I need MY information from BCSS. What do I do? Calling them out of the question, we all know how that will turn out. I can’t express the outrage I have for that company!
Yikes! Well, if you’re in a network environment – e.g. you have one computer for sales and another for inventory – then the networked computer can generate that message. When Windows sees executable files (.exe files) run across the network, it can prompt to let you know it sees “questionable” activity. It won’t remove the program though. Now, if you’re using additional security software – e.g. Microsoft Security Essentials, Norton, McAfee, etc. – those programs can and will remove consignment software. None of the consignment programs on the market are truly, 100%, Windows logo verified, period. Not Consignment Success, not ConsignPro and not Liberty. Since these programs don’t play by Microsoft’s rules, they can trigger false-positives in 3rd party security programs.
Your data should still be on the computer though. BCSS should be installed to a folder somewhere on your hard drive – e.g. C:Program FilesBCSS. Within that folder are your data files. So even if you can’t get to BCSS, the program should be able to be reinstalled or even just “allowed” through your 3rd party security software. Your data files can also be converted to a more-stable program, such as ConsignPro, Consignment Success or Liberty.
If you’d like us to take a quick look, I can give you 5 minutes at no charge. It could be something simple and quick and if that’s the case, no charge on this one from us. If it’s something that takes a bit more wrestling, it would fall under our flat $50 per-incident rate.
If your computer has Internet access we can remote-in and look at this for you today! Our # is (888) 374-5422.
I like many others here… have experience ALL of these problems! I am ashamed to say I fell to the false advertising that I read on their website and didn’t know any better!
I am a medical professional and NOT in the retail business originally. I consider myself to be fairly computer savvy, and fought for weeks prior to opening my business to get a label printer that worked.
They then “upgraded” me to a “better printer”.. that apparently was defective! I wasted almost an entire roll of thermal labels with them sending test prints to “fix it”.
We have had problems off and on.. that do in fact usually clear up with an upgrade… that as someone else mentioned then caused me a new problem!! We have many problems with our program currently… I have exchanged emails with the company, which I have gotten some things fixed.. but with their latest fix.. my labels no matter automatically print!!
I’ve been told I didn’t have enough memory for it to perform efficently, so I upgraded my memory.
I’ve been told that my virus protection was causing many of my problems – so I deleted it and got a new one!
I’ve been told that I needed an optimizer program, so I purchased that also!!
I am soo frustrated by the “new” problems that I was sucked in and paid for them to remotely access and fix my problem… they fixed that one… but now….
When I enter the the consigner’s new items in the computer – it used to print labels automatically – but now that I have gotten the new upgrade.. they don’t print!
I have to enter the items then it will save them, but lock up the program, can’t even get it to exit without pulling up the task manager.
To print a label I have to go to labels, pick the item, and it will print ONE label, then I can repeat the process!!!
Now… they can’t explain to me why my program worked previously with my “old” virus protection and not being optimized, or upgraded… but now those things have to be done?? So even after it’s done.. still doesn’t work??
My store manager previously owned a consignment store and used consign pro…. she frequently tells me how “her program” didn’t have ANY of these problems!! But BCSS said their program offered other things that Consign Pro didn’t and she could see how those would be helpful.
I will be contacting you tomorrow for suggestions!!
I have been looking at BCSS software and am ready to purchase. So glad I found your site! I was told by one consignment shop to get LIberty 4. Any suggestions?
What do we do about this BS now that we are “owners of this crappy software”? I have had mine since 1/10/12 and spent over 1000.+ for the diamond pkg with the barcode scanner that will not scan more than 50% of the time as well as , yes a thermal receipt printer that has to be toyed with every morning before we cash someone out in a first sale ( really? how embarassing!!!) I am a new consignment shop owner, but not new to retail. I was NOT born lastnight EITHER. I never reached anyone through help at the main contacts on Bcss! What do we DO!
Should we all file a lawsuit? Anything over 500+ dollars is a felony and he literally has raped us all. We are trying to make a living with our shops here. I think we should do SOMETHING !
Contact me
Im listening! IM P*SSED!
( H )
I’m very glad I’ve never dealt with this Steve or BCSS. But I have had the misfortune of spending the last 4 years with Consignment Ease & Consignment Success & have been promised upgrades, repair of glitches, etc. and have seen nothing in 4 years. Please get off this blog & spend your time fixing Consignment Ease & Success, just a few of the things we’ve reported over the last 4 years that have not been addressed…
• Ease & Success assign duplicate item numbers. Error hasn’t been addressed after repeated requests over 4 years.
• Serious network lag issues that cause invoices to either not save or save multiple times.
• End of year System Purge Routine has a serious glitch with retained items.
• Platform is ancient. Software can’t handle very much inventory without bogging down & getting very slow. Purged in December & already seeing it slowing down.
• Needs more reporting. No way to report items marked “missing”, for example.
• How return money from Settlements below a certain threshold back over to store profit & have it show up correctly in the reporting?
• Tax Free Sales—something glitchy here. If print all invoices in a month & add up the ones without tax, they do not always match the tax free sales estimated by calculating based on Tax Paid & extrapolating from there.
Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for posting on our blog. If I can address your specific comment @:
We do not own CCE and we have nothing to do with Consignment Success’ and Consignment Ease’s programming. I recommend posting on the correct blog/forum, which can be found via the following URLs:
– News/Blog:
– Support Forum:
Have you tried calling CCE Support to address these issues? Have you posted these issues to their Support Forum? I suggest working with CCE directly, by phone, so you can voice your concern for these issues.
The difficult area is balancing customer frustration between what’s ultimately actually going on. The term “glitch” gets tossed around daily. I receive calls on a daily basis with “glitches” in Liberty, ConsignPro, Consignment Till – you name it, we get call about it. ConsignPro’s database can be easily crashed. Liberty’s performance can be easily slowed. Consignment Success/Ease can experience slow-downs with larger databases. So while I love people utilizing our blog, we need to focus on actual technical details. For example, it’s very easy to mark items as ‘Missing’ in Consignment Success, via Inventory Clean-up/Write-Off Items. Consignment Success even lets you customize your statuses – e.g. Donate, Return, etc.
Let us know if you need anything else!
Hi Bonnie,
I see a lot of users of ALL the consignment programs contact us with “slowness” issues. Our hardware pricing can be found on our Hardware Prices Page @
Boy, am I pissed that I didn’t see this sight a year ago. I have BCSS now and I am beside myself. Steve, Gleason, Joy, and Kerri are the most unprofessional people I have every dealt with. The software is terrible, I have issues daily only for them to tell me it’s my network. Well I’m here to tell you its not my network its the crappy software riddled with bugs. They are condescending and rude and will not provide service without charging. I would pay if its was something I was doing wrong but it’s there software issues I’m dealing with. If you are considering a consignment software PLEASE GO ELSE WHERE AND SAVE YOUR SELF A MULTITUDE OF ISSUES. This is not some one that is trying to get even. I am seriously concerned for others investing their hard earned money with the folks. You be better off not having a software program than using this one. Seriously!
This is Dean here. We’ve had a handful of comments that people have tried to post in regard to BCSS.
The one thing that is true about all of the spam comments I’ve denied is – they’ve all ignored BCSS’ stolen CCE Copyright and stolen software. Proof above, if you need a helpful reminder.
When you address that in your emails or comments – and you know who you are – we can start to have an open discussion about the real issues here. Until then, our goal will continue to be to educate consignment and resale store owners so they can make a well-informed decision. BCSS has bombarded search engine results and I’m glad The Computer Peeps have been able to pierce right through that.
A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT WOULD BE A NO BRAINER, and we are willing to get involved if any of you all will organize and lead. Because I couldn’t agree more with everything you all are saying. I wish I would have read all this prior to our purchase. Promises you the world then delivers the seventh ring hell if you are depending on this software to do business. Never have I struggled so much with a company. When we bought the software, Steve told me they we would be able to do all this customization and that the features that aren’t working was due to the trial version. BULL@!?$. BCSS has a tremendous amount of buttons and features that do not work, and then when you try to tell Steve about it he gets all upset and tells his whole team to not work with you without charging. I TOLD STEVE AND I’LL TELL ANYONE ELSE THAT WANTS TO LISTEN. We don’t mind paying for customization, but it is your responsibility to have the features and the program that you sold (as working) to work!
I am willing but I am in OHIO. Anyone willing also to advise of someone counsel wise that is “good ” and well versed in this area of expertise? I AM IN ! I have spent over 1500! and time is a $$ killer. I am so spent on this issue , that we are switching from consignment to resale and getting a old fashion register! I have had it! My time is valuable just as the rest of yours. THIS bcss company needs to be put in its place! unprofessional is not EVEN the word for it!
Please contact me !
I wanted to address a comment that was posted, but we have not approved. The suggested notion in the comment was, BCSS somehow “forgot” to edit the “website template” and as we all know (*cough*), website templates have standard “places” where copyright info goes.
Ok, BCSS is a software developer, right? You’re tellin’ me they picked-up some cheap, HTML template and FORGOT TO EDIT something? They don’t use WordPress, so they don’t use some at-a-distance editor/web interface to work on their web pages. They just use a standard template that’s listed under “Web Hosting & Technology” on hundreds of template sites and tweaked it. As a software company, they should be smart enough to edit their own copyright.
Let’s pretend for a second, you’re right though. They obviously typed SOMETHING there – so why didn’t they type THEIR copyright instead of CCE’s? Just a bit of an oversight, wouldn’t you say?
I’ll raise you one more, commenter. If your Google-Fu is strong, you can go find BCSS’ first version, stolen from CCE. We outlined the details of that in the following article ->, which I linked to above. I guess BCSS forgot to take out CCE’s company info before they started distributing their software. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We have clients call us every single week, with issue after issue from BCSS. I have worked for a software developer, I was a Project Manager, and I understand the reality of software development. None of the consignment programs are perfect. While they might not be perfect and while there are improvements that could be made to ALL of the major consignment programs, at least the legitimate vendors out there attempt to release program updates. BCSS’ updates aren’t new features or stability fixes. They scramble to address issues their software has caused to store owners’ databases. BCSS still has the same data integrity issues it’s had for years. dBase/FoxPro is an old, outdated database technology. While dBase/FoxPro can be used for storing data, it’s old technology and it relies way too much on the software using it, to be programmed perfectly for stability, performance, and data integrity.
So I hope that addresses the copyright issue.
I purchased BCSS about 8 months ago and like everyone else here have had nothing but trouble. The wasted time I have spent re-entering information after it suddenly disappers into “BCSS land” as I refer to it and never to be found again makes me sick. The endless bogus updates that do nothing or the email response to contact tech support and they send you the same bogus update.
I want my money back and my time back when I would
-enter 40+ items into inventory and they would disappear after I hit OK
-Choose dozens of individual lables to print which is a painstaking process to hit OK and have the label page come up blank and I have to do the whole thing over.
-the fact that it does not list house account as 100% at any given spot in the software it will display either 0% or 50% no matter how many times I use the inoperable Percentage tool.
-The endless times it freezes and can only access anything through task manager.
-The endless and over wordy manual that seems to stop short of actually giving the right advice before it tells you to contact an outside service.
-My last rant of many, many others is I HATE that the enter button does not work throughout the software.
He is a thief and should be held accountable. Sign me up.
Thank you for replying, Fed Up in NY! I have a client in New Jersey who we’re converting this week and is in the same boat as you. She enters items, they vanish. She has to make multiple backups throughout the day, just in case the work she did vanishes.
BCSS has given her handfuls of “updates,” but it’s all smoke and mirrors – they’re not updating anything in those builds. Data integrity, relational integrity, and input validation – Steve @ BCSS should look into those things.
It sounds like it’s time for you to convert off of BCSS. All we can keep doing is sharing this information and hopefully it will save future store owners the misery and money lost. Steve has best consignment software flooded everywhere and still, to this very day, he’s still able to scam store owners and take their money.
As a business owner looking to purchase my first suite of consignment software, I am finding it very hard to sort through the conflicting claims that populate the internet. I am finding info about how great BCSS is and how crappy everyone else is and vice versa. I have no idea who to trust. I feel like I am about to gamble with potentially thousands of dollars. Can I really trust you to give me unbiased info? Are you compensated in any way by the companies you review and/or post info about? Thanks for a reply. Pete in Washington State.
Hi Pete,
We are not compensated in any way, shape, or form. We are specialists in the consignment industry. You will not find ANY website on the Internet that says BCSS is “great” – that is, no website that isn’t OWNED AND OPERATED BY STEVE @ BCSS.
Show me one website that says BCSS is good and I will show you the owner of that website is Steve @ BCSS.
– BCSS is the only consignment software vendor who is not a member of NARTS.
– BCSS was stolen from CCE.
– BCSS still utilizes false copyright information.
– BCSS uses the worst possible database platform out there – dBase/FoxPro.
– BCSS has not had a serious update in years.
– BCSS is unstable and crashes so often, clients who use it setup reminders to make multiple backups throughout the day.
We are so vocal about BCSS, because Steve has done nothing but take money from store owners. He has absolutely NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT. He has a consignment store owner who does support for his software. He will not participate in any public forum, nor attend the NARTS conferences every year.
You will not find a single, successful, 10+ years-in-business consignment store ANYWHERE that is running BCSS.
Steve @ BCSS spends all his time on polluting search engine results with the myriad websites he runs. We are quite proud to have absolutely destroyed his little search engine pollution game. It’s why you found this very post.
Let me know if you would like any further details. I strongly encourage you to download and install the demos of each of the consignment programs out there. From ConsignPro, to Liberty, to ConsignmentTill, there are plenty of legitimate programs out there. BCSS is a scam and his “$150” is bogus – it’s $150 per year for three years. Don’t waste your money and do your research on dBase/FoxPro performance issues.
Just wondering if anyone has been successful at actually getting funds reimbursed for this system? I have only had the system for a short time but can already see that this system is taking years from my life! I am generally a rational person but this system makes my blood boil! I am about to ask for my money back…..I had a feeling that it could be difficult given the customer service I’ve received thus far but after reading all of this, I am really scared about it.
I’m not certain anyone has been able to receive a refund, or realized they needed it within the allotted time period. I would love for BCSS to post a comment in this thread and address these issues. I would love to see them at the N.A.R.T.S. conference every year.
While I am always the first to discourage our clients from switching software, the stability – or lack thereof – of the database and the program, are not something we can faithfully recommend to any consignment or resale store owner. Trying to save a little bit of money up-front, turns into program crashes and delays down the road.
Liberty, ConsignPro, and ConsignmentTill, to name a few, or some of the reputable consignment programs out there. You’ll see us say it and I’ll say it again – none of the consignment programs are perfect. If you’re already running into issues and considering the track-record of BCSS’ performance, I recommend trying out the free demos for the various consignment programs out there. Each offers some form of conversion/data import, so you can bring your consignor accounts and inventory into the new program.
Let us know if you have any questions!
We are a small art and craft gallery in BC Canada. After three weeks of searching we are seriously looking at or a Canadian company called Astrix. Had any experience with these two? Consignmentsoftware has a good alround capability I think and Astrix is a one man show but seems like a good basic product. There is no intergation to Quickbooks accounting programs in either though. There is also QuickbooksPOS with the Ability add on options too which I am considering. It seems a bit pricey but sometimes paying a bit more is worth the trouble in the long run. I believe there is no support with QuickbooksPOS. It also has no updates included. Ability is a consignment add on that is used by paying a yearly subscription. Any advice. We need one cashier and a back office. I like the idea of being able to use a mobile device to sell from but we don’t want to switch credit card processing yet. We want to do an estore as well at some point and I guess at that time we will have to switch to whatever POS we use’s credit card processing method, right? or could we link up an estore with our POS and process payment through PayPal?
Hi Cat,
Thanks for commenting! We have worked with and are very familiar with SBS’ The Consignment Shop Software. Astrix though, no. We have no clients utilizing their software and as someone who’s been in the consignment industry since 2003, I can’t say I’ve heard of them. That’s not to discount them completely, just stating the facts.
Have you downloaded, installed, and fully evaluated each of these programs? Since you’re in Canada, it’s definitely worth considering ConsignmentTill by RJFSoft. Canadian tax rules, check rules, etc. are important, as is the new ‘penny’ change. ConsignmentTill just moved to a much stronger, faster, more reliable and scalable database too – MS SQL Server. So now ConsignmentTill and Liberty are the only two consignment software programs utilizing MS SQL Server. That’s a pretty important factor as well, as this isn’t just a game or for personal-use – this is your business; your livelihood.
The database in which you store your consignors, items, sales, payouts, etc. is very important. There’s a reason Ron @ ConsignmentTill spent the time to convert to MS SQL Server – it’s more reliable. Since you’re already going to be a two-computer network setup and will only grow from there, the database at the center of your setup is a key factor here.
QuickBooks’ Consignment module, while functional, is an add-on/after thought. If you’re serious about consignment, I would go with an actual consignment software program. Ever client we’ve worked with who tried the QB consignment module, switched to a professional consignment program eventually.
It’s easy enough to do an online shopping cart which looks great, is easy to use, and is functional; completely independent of the consignment software vendors. For that, PayPal would be used and your customers could pay with credit cards, without having a PayPal account.
As far as credit card processing within the system itself, you can utilize the integrated software such as X-Charge, or you can utilize any credit card processing service you’d like outside of the software.
Let us know if this helps and if you have any additional questions, let us know!
I too have been screwed by BCSS! The “tech” support worked on my computer and deleted about half of my inventory so almost every sale when we scan an item it says that they file is not in our system and we have to manually enter the item under our house account. Needless to say doing inventory is next to impossible right now. I am trying to figure out what other software to use! HELP!!!
Hi Megan,
Sorry to hear you’re running into issues with BCSS, sincerely. It’s a pain in the ass (pardon my language, but it is) and this is why it’s not fair to say you (BCSS) offer tech support, when it’s a store owner who’s doing the support. Qualified techs are rare. We speak with qualified “techs” on a regular basis and we’re always expecting to talk to someone who’s going to wow us or display the skills necessary to support databases, address PCI DSS, etc. It’s rare that you find a tech at that level, let alone a store owner who is supposed to be the software tech for however-many users.
It’s a shame she/he didn’t have a backup of your database to revert to, but you’re here now, so all we can do is move forward.
There are multiple consignment programs on the market. None of the programs are perfect and none of the software vendors are angels sent from heaven. They are at the very least, legitimate programs and legitimate vendors and are members of NARTS. So you definitely have some options that are more stable and more reliable than BCSS.
We have a list of the reputable consignment software vendors available on our Consignment Software Vendor Overview.
We’re open today (Saturday) from 12-4 PM Eastern. We help stores convert and transition from no software or from other programs, all the time. We most-recently helped Dragonflies & Ladybugs convert from BCSS. They chose Liberty4 Consignment as their software to replace BCSS. The good thing is, you can download demos of each of these programs and try them for free. Liberty has a complete conversion for BCSS data. ConsignPro should be able to get your accounts and inventory at the very least. ConsignmentTill as well.
We help stores convert and deal with the many issues between buying consignment software and actually getting up and running. Just ask Polka Dots Consignment the amount of work involved with getting their systems righted, getting their data converted, performing custom changes to the database, training, etc.
Feel free to give us a buzz @ (888) 374-5422 and we can answer any questions you might have about any of the programs, the conversion process, and getting your systems up and running under PCI DSS.
Add me to the list of people screwed by this loser, Steve. I purchased the BCSS software for my consignment store. After a year in business, I closed my consignment shop and sold my software system to another store owner. It CLEARLY states that I have resell rights on this software. I was told that all I needed to pay was a $29 transfer fee and the new owner would be ready to go. I asked about any other charges and was reassured by Russell that there were no other fees. All I had to do was have the new owner contact him and he would take care of the rest. The new owner contacted him (it took forever to actually get someone on the line. Many times the phone rang and rang with no response) and was told by Steve that I had to pay a fee of $50 (not $29 as Russell had told me). Steve told this lady that I was liar. Funny, I have the emails to prove the $29 fee that was agreed on. Such a professional man, wouldn’t you say? Calling his customers liars?! He then asked the lady my name and looked my account up. He asked her how much I sold the BCSS software to her for and told her that I charged her too much. He then (without my consent or knowledge) discussed what I purchased from him and for what amount. He told her that he wouldn’t send her the unlock code until she paid him $150. Right now, we are right in the middle of all of this and I just feel sick. I wish I woul have koan about this jacka$$ a long time ago. People, DON’T purchase anything from him!
Comment removed as per request of original poster.
Comment removed as per request of original poster.
Another victim here. APX $1,200 worth not counting the lost time and sales with this idiot If there’s a lawsuit I can join please hook me up. I don’t expect to recover after reading all of this I’m pissed and hope that loser rots in jail.
My headache started yesterday. So far no call backs or reply to emails. Oh, let me correct that statement, I am receiving emails from Ringo saying they have passed on my request to be called. After reading this, I am sure I have been sorely screwed by this company.
Hi Donna,
Yikes, that’s not good. Sorry to hear you’re running into issues with BCSS. From time to time, each of the consignment software vendors can take a bit to call you back. It is usually the same day though and typically within a few hours or less. Do they have that many calls to return, that Ringo can only pass along your request?
While we do not encourage store owners to jump-ship and convert to a new consignment software program at the first sign of issues, there is a reality here that cannot be ignored. It’s probably a good idea to begin the ‘demo’ process of each of the major consignment programs. Liberty has an actual conversion utility, ConsignPro can import accounts and inventory, ConsignmentTill has an import function, etc.
If anyone @ BCSS reads this, feel free to comment back! (Edit)
Hi Dean, I have been contacted by Steve with a request to remove my comment from your blog. Please remove my comment from your blog. Seems I have to wait for 2 years before I can say anything about my experience with BCSS software company. Again, please remove my comment from your blog page. Donna Stirnaman
Hi Donna,
I am really sorry to hear that and more-so, a bit intrigued. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a company trying to get its customers to not say anything bad about it. Can you imagine buying a Coke or Pepsi and either company trying to say you can’t talk about how you don’t like their product? That seems really, well, weird.
Hopefully you have been able to find a better solution for your business. If you need anything else or if you have any questions, just let us know! I’ll scrub these comments for you this weekend.
All the best,
If you have a complaint about BCSS & Steve Henning, please email me. We’re in the process of setting up a libel lawsuit against him and would also like to put together a class-action from all the “customers’ he’s wronged. My email is [email protected].
I am starting to feel that any time you type in consignment store POS systems you get all the same scams. None of these programs look like what is needed and there is seems to be a corner on this market by scammers. Is this website even for real or another site used to promote one type of software, maybe with different names. Could any real consignment shop owners contact me and give me honest reviews of these products.
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for commenting! You’re right about searching Google and what shows up when you search. The majority of the search results have been bombarded by BCSS and the other consignment software vendors have even picked-up on the whole ‘best consignment software’ SEO approach.
Yes, this website is for real. =) It doesn’t take much searching to see The Computer Peeps’ background and just how many consignment store owners we assist.
The first thing is, any sites that are “paid reviews” are just that – paid reviews. The post you’re commenting on here is specific to BCSS and the “flooding” of search results, which has led to many of our clients wasting a lot of time and money on issues with that software. Since many store owners go to Google and search for information, we felt it was unfair that one person flood the search results and confuse so many.
Now, as far as legitimate software vendors, any of the vendors who are NARTS Members are legitimate companies. What’s interesting is, we’ve been approached by vendors to refer clients for financial gain. That is not our goal nor our interest and it’s amazing how a vendor’s attitude change when you tell them you’re not interested in a referral program. 🙂 Our goal is to help store owners have correct information so they can make an informed decision.
We offer a free 30-minute consultation and we can go through the technical details, program usability, and more so you can have a clearer idea of what each program is and what it can do. Most-any of the consignment programs can run a consignment/resale store, but there are both key technical differences, as well as subjective preferences that affect things.
What’s difficult is for one store owner to say, “use this software because I use it”. For every store owner who likes a consignment program, we have 5 other store owners’ experiences that are contrary to that. If you go into the purchase knowing all of the details and are aware of any details that might be left out by a vendor during a sale, you are likely to have a far better experience and end-up with the program that works best for your store.
I recommend joining NARTS so you can communicate with other NARTS members – i.e. real store owners – all across the country. There is also a Facebook Group called Resale Connect for store owners, which many store owners discuss this very topic.
I’m here every weekday from 10-5 and Saturday from 12-4 if you have any questions! Thanks again for commenting!
Jonathan, they say one bad apple spoils the bunch. Don’t let Steve’s antics dissuade you, there are some very good software programs out there, ConsignPro being one. Listen to Dean, he’s been at this a long time and knows the history of the industry. 99% of the people in this business are honest, the rest, well, this page speaks for itself I think.
There is too many to list! The software code that is used to write this program is outdated! The features that they claim are a part of their program, do not function. Their answers to problems are to restart the program or you need new equipment, even though we bought brand new DELL’s. Their tech support is one person, who resides in Canada and who is deaf. We spent alot of money and time trying to make this program work and it is not even functional. We even spent money on custom patches that did not even work. DO NOT LISTEN TO STEVE!
We are posting this only because we do not want another business to be fooled or lose their money! After all of the money we spent and hours lost, when we asked to get some of our money back, the response was GOOD LUCK!! DO NOT PURCHASE FROM THIS PERSON!!! We lost our money, DO NOT LOSE YOURS!!!
Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to post this and I’m really sorry you were one of the many stores that fell for BCSS. There are so many issues with the program and no, you should NOT have to constantly pay for “custom patches.” That is testament to the poor software development behind BCSS, plain and simple.
If you’d like to discuss Peeps’ Software and how we can help, please feel free to give us a buzz @ (888) 374-5422.
All the best,