We’ve all seen it before on the news. Someone pays for something at store, a coffee shop, a gas station, etc. only to find they were charged way more than the charge was supposed to be for. I’m literally watching a news story right now where a customer bought coffee from Starbuck’s for $5.70, only they charged her $5,705.70 — i.e. the amount typed twice. 😐
I found it odd that a company of that size would have a point of sale system or credit card processor that would even allow such a large payment, let alone not heavily-prompt the employee.
Even Peeps’ Software for consignment/resale stores has built-in safety prompts for this:
For stores utilizing OpenEdge’s X-Charge credit card processing system, which Peeps’ Software fully integrates with, it too has a built-in payment protection system. By default, this is set at a maximum of $10,000:
For some consignment/resale stores, that might not be an abnormal amount — e.g. furniture stores, stores selling high-end/designer handbags, etc. For many, if not most stores, a $10,000 credit card payment is likely never a possibility.
So if you’d like to set a maximum credit card payment lower than $10,000, head to X-Charge > Server Settings > Credit Cards and you can reduce this to a safer amount that better-suits your store.