This one just popped-up in the Feed a few minutes ago. Its title is “Yeahh!! It happens on Live Television!” Ironically enough, it’s women that are clicking on this post too, not men. 😀

This one redirects you to a fake Facebook page…

It then asks you to “Click Jaa twice to confirm”…

I mean, you should’ve already been able to tell this was a bogus post right away. The website weebly[.]com lets anyone create a website, so someone signed up for videovideo1[.]weebly[.]com. It’ just like anyone can sign up at BlogSpot or WordPress. Asking people to click ‘Jaa’ not once, but twice – are you joking? Is that some form of new security measure – click twice? Sadly enough, it works for X amount of people.
You know the story…install Firefox, install NoScript, use ESET Nod32 Antivirus, blah, blah, blah. 😀
I must sound like a broken record!
UPDATE 6/23/2011
It looks like they’ve moved their crappy little pages over to a different site. The same scam post from yesterday, is showing up with a new URL…

Same virus as yesterday, same bogus picture, just a new URL and a new title.