Ok, we used to go through the Who/What/Where/When/Why when it came to this sort of Facebook post. I don’t think this one requires such an explanation. I just can’t believe how much of this, well, crap is still floating around on Facebook.
If you’re a business and you’re looking for alternatives, here are some recommendations:
- Twitter – If you have a Facebook page, chances are you have a Twitter account as well. Twitter is a bit more streamlined, as far as content goes. You can still run into the occasional bogus phishing link or childish drivel, but Twitter is a bit more of a straight-forward approach to broadcasting information.
- Google Plus – Some scoff at G+ and think it’s a no man’s land. That simply is not the case. Businesses and individuals looking for a better way to share – e.g. Hangouts, Circles, search result tie-ins, comment formatting, etc. – are using G+ to their advantage.
- Reddit – Reddit is a great place for news, information, and sharing with others. Network with other users in topic-specific communities called Sub-Reddits. Spend a week on Reddit and you’ll start to realize you “saw that last week” as you watch the news or scroll through Facebook.
- Pinterest – Pinterest is becoming a more and more popular way to share anything from clothes you like, to architecture. Consignment businesses can really utilize Pinterest’s ‘pin’ feature to share new outfits that were recently consigned.
- Blog – If you’re a business and you provide a service or sell products, you really should have a blog. With a WordPress-based website, you can easily post to your blog and keep your customers in the loop. Adding new content keeps your site rich with content, which can boost search results.