I was just upgrading the RAM in a system we’re configuring for Dragonflies & Ladybugs and I thought it would be fun to play a little “guess which is which”. 🙂
I always hear people always talk about “Macs are better than PCs,” but what do they really mean when they say that? Is it better hardware under the hood? Let’s take a look!
Here are two pictures of RAM from two different systems – one a PC, one a Mac.
Can you guess which came from which?
Here’s Example #1…

Here’s Example #2…

Feel free to comment below if you know! There are some hints here and there. 😉
If you’re about to spend nearly $2,000 on a computer from a consignment software vendor, first, ask them which kind of RAM they install. Then, compare their systems to The Computer Peeps’ consignment hardware prices and see just how much you can save.