Everything you do on your Internet connection, can be seen by your ISP. That information, while you might not care who sees it, is about to become a commodity to be sold and utilized in ways you might not approve of.
We discussed VPNs and keeping your connection private while online, but many think that’s only when you’re on public networks, such as WiFi hotspots. With your personal and business Internet browsing being fully accessible and up for sale, keeping any/all Internet activity private is something many might be interested in doing.
We still recommend Private Internet Access.
They have a great video that explains exactly what Private Internet Access does to keep you protected:
Private Internet Access or PIA, is available for the following platforms:
- Windows
- Mac OS X
- Android
- iOS
PIA is dead-simple to use – just click Connect… that’s it…
So don’t think a VPN is just for when you’re traveling. Whether you’re at home or your consignment store, toggle that VPN on and keep your personal browsing habits, just that.