For ConsignPro consignment software users, you’ve been told for years, “Make sure you do your end-of-year backup!” Stores would call us, ask us how to do this, and every year it would be an ordeal as stores tried to accomplish this task.
I figured, why not just write our own software that does this for ConsignPro software users. 🙂 So every year, Peeps’ Automatic Backup Software for ConsignPro, automatically creates your end-of-year backup if you’re on Peeps’ Support:
Now, the reason ConsignPro wants this, is because ConsignPro deletes/purges data every day when you close it. As you roll into the new year, your consignor account history, is deleted. To be able to ‘prove’ to a consignor that they used store credit last year, you’d have to have a backup to restore.
For those on Peeps’ Consignment Software or Liberty consignment software, we also do an an end-of-year, but not for the same reason. Over the years I’ve learned that having an end-of-year backup, has come in handy when a store is audited, or if the storeowner decides to sell.
So if you’re on Peeps’ Support, we do an automatic end-of-year database backup for you, regardless of consignment software. 🙂