How You Know If You Have a Bad Paygistix Install

Paygistix Bad Install

tl;dr — If you’re getting a User Account Control prompt asking you to enter the administrator’s password for Paygistix, you have a bad install.

Paygistix is credit card processing software that resides on Windows-based computers in some consignment/resale stores.  If you’ve just had Paygistix installed on your computer and it’s prompting you to enter the administrator password after you reboot, this means Paygistix was not properly installed and will need to be reinstalled.

This is a courtesy post for store owners out there who happen to still be on Paygistix and are encountering this issue.  Unfortunately, this involves calling back to Payment Logistics to have them address the “bad” installation.

When all is said and done, you should be able to log-in to your non-administrator account after rebooting (e.g. the ‘Store’ user) and the Paygistix Client should run automatically, without prompting with a User Account Control password dialog.

I am a Software Developer, System Administrator, and consignment software specialist. I currently manage hundreds of consignment workstations, point of sale systems, and database servers all across North America and I am the developer of Peeps' Software, Peeps2Go, and Peeps' Consignor Login for iOS and Android. I've been helping consignment & resale store-owners since 2003. I started The Computer Peeps in February of 2010. Peeps' Software launched in 2016 and is now on hundreds of systems all across North America. I have successfully converted dozens of stores from all of the major consignment software systems. After 20 years of working with consignment stores, I understand the unique challenges consignment & resale store-owners face. From electrical issues in old buildings or strip malls, to advocating for them when their old consignment software keeps crashing.

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