Dropbox User Emails Apparently Leaked

Dropbox Spam

Is there an echo in here?  On Dropbox’s user support forum, multiple users have reported that email addresses completely unique and intentionally obfuscated, received spam email.

Dropbox User Post
Dropbox User Post | Click to Enlarge

As users have pointed out, spammers would have to get very lucky to guess such an email address, or the user email list was compromised.

Dropbox and users have suggested this might be part of last year’s breach, but users who registered after said breach have reported receiving messages.

This is as good a time as ever to mention security and online awareness.  If you were utilizing an email address that you use for your consignment store and you signed-up for Dropbox with it, a spam email with a phishing link or other attack could find its way into your business systems.

Just be vigilant when it comes to the messages you receive and always think twice before opening messages or clicking links.

I am a Software Developer, System Administrator, and consignment software specialist. I currently manage hundreds of consignment workstations, point of sale systems, and database servers all across North America and I am the developer of Peeps' Software, Peeps2Go, and Peeps' Consignor Login for iOS and Android. I've been helping consignment & resale store-owners since 2003. I started The Computer Peeps in February of 2010. Peeps' Software launched in 2016 and is now on hundreds of systems all across North America. I have successfully converted dozens of stores from all of the major consignment software systems. After 20 years of working with consignment stores, I understand the unique challenges consignment & resale store-owners face. From electrical issues in old buildings or strip malls, to advocating for them when their old consignment software keeps crashing.

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