Peeps’ v2.15 update is live! v2.15 was primarily a ‘maintenance’ release and I think I’m taking this approach for versions — i.e. odd-numbered versions will focus on maintenance/minor changes/fixes whereas even-numbered versions will focus on major changes/features. 🙂
Some of the highlights and fixes in v2.15:
- Official OpenEdge partners for X-Charge credit card processing!
- Fixes for tax totals @ refunded vs total collected.
- Improvements for Consignor Login server-side processing.
- Custom hours for End-of-Day!
- Fix when voiding a Payout Advance.
- ‘Web Inventory’ icon moved to a more-prominent location on Add Inventory screen.
- Fix for Split by Price, if price manually changed @ POS.
- New ‘Forfeit’ Payout for forfeiting an account’s money to the store!
Click below to view the full Release Notes for Peeps v2.15! 🙂