TL;DR: Head to Control Panel > Windows Updates, click View Update History, click Installed Updates, uninstall KB4480960 (reboot) then uninstall KB4480970 (reboot).
Consignment Software End-of-Year Backups
Another ‘ConsignPro Software Email Settings Erased’ Call
Reason #247 Why Peeps’ Software Is Better Than The Old Consignment Software Systems
Liberty Consignment Software Access Violation
While you can get an Access Violation printing tags in Liberty consignment software for myriad reasons, this post is focusing on one specific reason — i.e. if you add a second tag printer.
Peeps v2.11 Update!
What Makes Professional Consignment Software, Professional?
Liberty Consignment Unable to Connect to Database
Peeps v2.10 Update!
The v2.10 for Peeps’ Consignment & Resale Software is here! It’s actually been out for a few weeks now, but I’m just getting caught-up with our blog, so I wanted to make sure this was post up and live!
Jumping To Barcodes in Peeps’ Consignment Software
Locating items in your consignment software is a common task for store owners. In a consignor’s account, you may end up having hundreds or even thousands of items in their list. Instead of having to scroll though that list, you can go straight to the item in Peeps’ Consignment Software.